Booming Wearable Computing Market Could Disrupt Multiple Industries


Wellesley, Mass., June 08, 2016 – Previously, wearable computing products, also known as wearables, were a fringe market of curious devices that were bulky, unaesthetic and impractical for consumer applications.乐动体育-西甲2019赞助商在其新报告中揭示了技术进步正在推动消费者和非消费者市场的巨大增长率。



Market segments generally can be classified by user type as either consumer or non-consumer applications. Some new non-consumer applications developed for deep niche markets may outgrow potential consumer markets for wearable devices. Regardless, all individual market segments are potentially multi-billion markets with significant growth potential over the long term. In addition, the growth of consumer markets will stimulate greater acceptance and more widespread adoption in specialized non-consumer markets.



BCC研究分析师Andrew McWilliams说:“可穿戴设备的传统市场主要集中在非消费者利基应用程序上,包括医疗保健,国防/安全,企业和工业市场的市场。”乐动体育-西甲2019赞助商“但是,材料科学,电子,光子学和软件的最新进展使可能具有广泛的新型轻巧,可穿戴的计算产品的出现。这些技术的进步不仅是发展传统的非消费者市场,而且还可以使许多新的消费者应用的出现。”


希望与分析师交谈的编辑和记者应与Steven Cumming联系

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